Thursday, March 19, 2020

ndividual Reflective Report Essays

ndividual Reflective Report Essays ndividual Reflective Report Essay ndividual Reflective Report Essay Essay Topic: Reflective In this report, I am going to describe my own role in helping the team to achieve its goal in relation to the team report and the practical negotiation exercise. Also I will provide evidence of my contribution to the cohesiveness of the team and how I facilitated the completion of the team goals.  In this semester of the integrative core session, I have been arranged to group 2 team A with other group mates and they were all new to me. At the beginning of the class start, I introduce myself to them and meet friends with them. Although I am a Chinese and my English is not very fluent, Id like to be active and always talk to my group mates even though they seems not really understand what I mean. Because of the communication problem, we always have problem when doing the exercise during the class. In the first few classes, we had a decision making exercise on the case study of Kelvin Hall sport center and we need to have a group discussion about the future of Kelvin Hall. Through the process, my group mates Laura, Julio and Niiki suggested the ideas that keep the Kelvin Hall and oppose to sell it to the developers. And others have suggested the relocating the Kelvin hall to another area or keep the venue in the current position but modernized it. After the objectives are set, we have to discuss the trade-off of each suggestion. I remember that at first, I d like to be active and always give my own opinions for why not sell the Kelvin Hall to the developers. However, after my explanation to my group mates, they seem like not really understand and I remember Laura said: No, Monica, we are talking about the question like And I was so ashamed and say, oh, sorry, I misunderstand and then they continued to discuss the problem. At that moment, I really upset because I am not only cant help the group but also give them trouble. However, I havent give up for the discussion, as the class was about 2 hours long. So, I try to be silent and listen carefully to what they said. Then, I write down the notes and keep the ideas in my mind. When I have got enough information of the issues, I d like to join the discussion and express my opinions again to my mates, and Julio, he is a nice person that always give me time to express my ideas and encourage me to do that. Although my ideas may not be helpful, I learn how to making decision and how to communicate and co-operate with others. Like the preparation of the negotiation test in week 8, Lesley, Rennie and me is in the side of sportscotland and we need to have a preparation for the test in week 10. And we have about 20 to 30 minutes to discuss the matter we face. And I am so unhappy during the discussion. I remember I was sitting between rennie and lesley, I was in the middle and they both just talking to each other and I feel like be ignored. But I have no other choice and need to say something. I know its my own problem for poor English but at that moment I really dont know what can I do, I dont want to sit in the group and say nothing so I asked them question like: Sorry to interrupt you both, as I am not really understand the question and would you mind to speak slower and explain to me please? I know I am so impolite to ask that question but my group mates rennie and Lesley are so kind to explain to me and then we discuss the matter together and finish the discussion quickly. I was so happy and feel very success at the moment because I have had involved to the exercise. However, I was so careless in week 10 as I was absent for the test. I know it is my own responsibility to check the timetable before the class and I havent done that. So I affect my group in the test and I just left rennie and Lesley to do their own. I am really regretted and I am so sorry. I will be bear the cost for not attends to the test.  The first semester of the integrative core session will be finished by the Project of the Kelvin Hall Report done by the group. I need to be do the report very well as I have lost my marks in the negotiation test and also to put effort in my group as I know it is a team work. I will work very hard on the project and co-operating very well with my group mate to finish the report together.  To conclude, I have learn many things and gain lots of experience in this semester during the integrative core session and I d like to do my best through the mistake I have made, or at least not doing wrong, repeat the mistake again!

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